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It’s not a word most of us hear every day. It’s a word whose meaning can be quite complicated. When I looked it up in the Merriam Webster online dictionary my head spun! Certainly the word’s application to physics is beyond my ability to fully understand.

Here’s part of the Merriam Webster dictionary definition of ‘Entropy’ - the link below takes you to the full definition. I found this second part of the information especially interesting.

‘… With its Greek prefix en-, meaning "within", and the trop- root here meaning "change", entropy basically means "change within (a closed system)". The closed system we usually think of when speaking of entropy (especially if we're not physicists) is the entire universe. But entropy applies to closed systems of any size. Entropy is seen when the ice in a glass of water in a warm room melts—that is, as the temperature of everything in the room evens out. In a slightly different type of entropy, a drop of food coloring in that glass of water soon spreads out evenly. However, when a non-physicist uses the word, he or she is usually trying to describe a large-scale collapse.’

You don’t have to look hard to find entropy in our world do you? Whether it’s environmental, social, economic or political. There are many systems which can be described as collapsing.

It is a comfort to me then to read verses from God’s Bible like these:

“Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.”

Ecc. 1:4 (NIV)

“Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures.”  Psalm 119:90 (NIV)

God won’t let His earth be destroyed. Instead His son will return and the earth will be totally transformed. We can be a part of the transformation. It’s all in the Bible.