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Are numbers the bane of our existence or a hidden treasure?

Have you ever wondered how numbers play a part in our every day lives?

I am pretty inept at numbers compared to mathematicians and scientists. At school, I could not work out why on earth maths was necessary or why I had to have anything to do with it. As I get older, my opinion has done a 360 degrees on this lapse of my youthful judgment. The fact that I ended up being a manufacturing jeweller, requiring maths constantly to engineer exact measurements, has made me relook at the beauty it can be, rather than the source of my childhood nightmares. 

The simple things like working out how many minutes to our train; increasing a recipe to serve extra guests; getting the right change at shops, (not that this is so applicable in today's world), buying our fruit and veggies. In fact, the more you think about it, the more you realise numbers are everywhere. 

But did you know that maths is actually an integral part of the Bible. Sir Ambrose Fleming, scientist and inventor, proposed that the numerical evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of proving the Bible true.

Dr Panin, a Harvard scholar and mathematician, and also an unbeliever at first, upon discovering this evidence, devoted 50 years of his life to this work. He reflected that either each writer of scripture was an unparalleled mathematical genius, or they wrote like they were inspired by God.

The Bible itself tells us about inspiration from God: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” (2 Tim 3:16 NLT)

Maths and inspiration are both interesting subjects, and both figure in God's message revealed in the Bible. It's an amazing book with an amazing message for us all.